

Intimate surgery or Labiaplasty, consists of a group of techniques that allow the removal of excess tissue in the vaginal region (labia minora and majora) and fat from the mount of Venus

Fecha: 21 February 2014

Intimate Surgery or Labiaplasty

In a simple way, I will tell you in this article how it is possible to recover the aesthetics and functionality of the intimate area.

What do you know about intimate surgery or labiaplasty?

The intimate health and satisfaction added to the special and now known interest of women for intimate beauty and their harmonious relationship with their body, make them feel safe and sensual. When this is lost due to genetic, constitutional, hormonal reasons, the traces of one or several births or the passing of the years, can be a cause of frustrations and insecurities that affect your individual balance and in some cases the relationship with your partner. Nowadays it is possible to perform surgeries that help recover both the aesthetics and functionality of the vagina, with techniques that definitely give a turn to their lives.

Day after day, more and more women between the ages of 25 and 50 come to my office for this issue. They share, at first with some modesty, their concerns and insecurities to which I respond that a natural condition for us human beings is certainly the search for harmony, satisfaction and personal enjoyment in the physical and spiritual plane, which is completely normal and human and that is the reason why they approach in search of a solution.

Intimate surgery, consists of a group of techniques that allow the removal of excess tissue in the vaginal region (labia minora and majora) and fat from the mount of Venus, in turn, narrow and strengthen the vaginal canal, mold or fill the labia majora, the space between the vagina and the anus is increased and the clitoris cap is moderated, all through advanced methods with state-of-the-art technology that allow precision, little intervention time, less bleeding and a prompt recovery, leaving very minor and hidden scars, which provides a quick recovery.



This intervention only requires a maximum of two hours, it can be done under local or general anesthesia, depending on how the patient wishes and its success also depends on six weeks of sexual abstinence, a recovery time that will later be worthwhile.

Other procedures such as permanent laser hair removal and genital depigmentation are also part of this beautification package, which at a reasonable time, after surgery, can be carried out.

The naturalness, beauty, comfort and strengthening that this intervention leaves in the region, facilitates the use of tight clothes, better and comfortable hygiene, harmonious, sensual appearance, greater friction and stimulation of the G-spot, increasing the woman’s self-esteem and complacency both of herself and her partner.

In the following days I will continue to deepen on this modern and successful procedure with which we have obtained excellent results, in addition, I will share some of the testimonies of patients who have wanted to tell us their experience.

Are you interested in receiving advice on labiaplasty in Medellin? Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Edison Osorio, leading Plastic Surgeon in Medellin Colombia.

¿Quieres consultar sobre Intimate Beauty ? No dudes en contactarnos. Dr. Edison Osorio, Cirujano Plástico en Medellín Colombia.

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