

Among all the cosmetic brands that exist in the market, several handle products intended to treat this problem of open pores; However, what ends up happening is that while the product is used, the appearance of the pores improves, and when left, the open pores return.

Fecha: 21 November 2013

The pores of the skin are tiny holes through which sweat is removed, among other things. The problem of the open pores of the skin is more common than you can imagine and can happen at all ages.

When this situation occurs, it usually causes the skin tone to change, to look porous and irregular. The size of these pores may vary in each person. Over the years, if this problem is not addressed properly, it is most likely that the pore will increasingly expand due to the cumulative effect.

Dr. Víctor Hugo Correa, a dermatologist in Chile, comments that it is common for both women and men to consult for treatments to minimize or solve this condition; and although it is more common in men, there are more women who care about treating the problem. Dr. Correa says it is a problem that focuses on the forehead, cheekbones, nose and around the mouth. He explains that there are two basic factors that trigger this problem, the first is hereditary and the second can be a hormonal factor.

However, other factors may also be: Pores fill with fat and open more, pores clogged with toxins or dead cells, continuous and prolonged exposure to sunlight without adequate protection, or poor cell regeneration.

Among all the cosmetic brands that exist in the market, several handle products intended to treat this problem of open pores; However, what ends up happening is that while the product is used, the appearance of the pores improves, and when left, the open pores return.

It is important not to create false expectations; The problem of open pores cannot be reversed 100%, although it can be more thoroughly attacked and controlled with treatments, such as:

The laser: It increases the amount of collagen and elastic tissue of the skin, getting it to contract and consequently, the pores tighten. With this treatment you get a pinker and youthful skin.

The use of retinoids: Either in cream or orally, this treatment should be provided by a specialist, in specific doses and for certain periods of time, with lapses of rest.

In addition to the aforementioned treatments, it is suggested to combat open pores by following simple steps in our daily routine; it only takes discipline and perseverance to make it work:

  • Thorough daily cleaning; preferably using cold water.
  • Use of astringent.
  • Use of a scrub.
  • Use of anti-aging products.
  • Use of sunscreen daily.
  • Drink plenty of water and take care of your diet (that is, healthy and with the least amount of fat possible).
  • Perform, from time to time, a deep cleansing of your skin.
  • Do not squeeze yourself pimples and little imperfections; go to a professional, because all you will achieve is mistreating your skin and it could be marked forever.
  • Pamper your face; eventually apply masks (these may be those that exist in the market or you can prepare some at home).

Apple Mask Recipe


½ a green apple (the greener, the better), grated with everything including the skin; the juice of a lemon, a spoonful of natural yogurt and a spoonful of oatmeal.

How to prepare: Mix all the ingredients well.

Now apply the paste that results from the mixture, on your face; emphasize the most affected areas, relax and leave for 20 minutes. Remove with plenty of water, preferably cold, because it closes the pores. Try to apply this mask, for at least a week without fail, and after a while you will notice your pores more closed. Rest for a while and repeat.

If you have open pores problem, start acting; get down to work, later it may be too late.

Taken from Los Andes Argentina Newspaper www.losandes.com.ar

¿Quieres consultar sobre Belleza del rostro ? No dudes en contactarnos. Dr. Edison Osorio, Cirujano Plástico en Medellín Colombia.

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