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Biopolymer Removal Expert

Retiro de biopolímeros

Biopolymer Removal

Buttock Biopolymer Removal

Gluteal Reconstruction for Biopolymer patients

Lifting Treatment

Lip Biopolymer Removal

Breast Biopolymer Removal

Stem Cell Treatment for
Biopolymeric Patients

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Dr. Edison Osorio

A real change requires science, art, experience and knowledge. That is why as a Plastic Surgeon, with more than 15 years of experience in biopolymer removal, I offer my patients reliable and safe advice in the comprehensive services of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Edison Osorio

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Contact information

  • Clínica Bioforma
  • Office: Carrera 25B No 16A South - 211
    Transversal Superior San Lucas
  • Celular: (+57) 314 864 4099
  • Medellín, Antioquia. Colombia

You can contact us through our WhatsApp chat to request more information or schedule your appointments.