Butyric acid, a key component for intestinal health in Biopolymer patients

Los metabolitos bacterianos mas estudiados en las heces son los ácidos grasos de cadena corta (AGCC), originados en la fermentación bacteriana de los hidratos de carbono complejos en la dieta como la fibra y el almidón. Los AGCC tienen gran jerarquía en la fisiología y nutrición del tracto gastrointestinal, con propiedades antiinflamatorias y anticancerígenas, es el principal metabolito energético empleado por los colonocitos; así mismo diversos estudios lo relacionan con la reversión de células neoplásicas (células anormales), participando a su vez en la prevención de los episodios cancerígenos. Su consumo favorece el manejo y control de la glucemia, es decir, en la reducción de la resistencia a la insulina.

Emotional states promote intestinal permeability and subsequent inflammation throughout our body, including the skin, and this inflammatory syndrome will be a potent factor in premature cellular aging. There are many causes that can provoke inflammation; among them are the deterioration of proteins, the shortening of telomeres and the lack of telomerase production. As a result, the deformed cells will stick to the arterial walls, trap cholesterol and give way to the generation of plaques, involved in the obstruction of blood vessels.

When cells are still alive, fatigued and their division process has stopped, this phenomenon is known as senescence, an alteration that generates shortening in the telomeres of chromosomes; telomerase is an enzyme that regenerates and allows lengthening; aging is recognized as an active process capable of slowing down; however, it always depends on habits, diet and quality of sleep.




When there is formation of free radicals (atoms that produce aging) in the mitochondria, which are the organelles in charge of producing and supplying energy to the organism, their capacity to function efficiently is reduced, producing damage to the interior of the mitochondria and DNA, as well as in the function of proteins and fats, that is, in the whole process of absorption of nutrients. The accumulation of aggregates produces myopia in immune cells, which prevents the recognition of foreign substances such as microbes. When a cell's genes are damaged or its telomeres are too short, that cell detects that its DNA is in danger, setting up the entire defense of the immune system. This is where we speak of an overproduction of mitochondrial energy.

The supplementation of carnitine (essential amino acid) contributes to the metabolization of fatty acids, due to its high intensity in chemical activity, mitochondria will be less susceptible to damage caused by free radicals, likewise, the deficiency of this nutrient in the body will allow an inadequate transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, causing energy to be produced in low amounts triggering a mitochondrial dysfunction that will result in cellular aging and ultimately, death. Oral supplementation with butyric acid is a promising management in pathologies such as inflammatory bowel diseases.



Events that deteriorate the intestinal microbiota:

  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Radiotherapeutic procedures
  • Certain chemotherapies
  • Elemental diets with low or no fiber content.

Butyric acid is a key component for the nutrition of the intestine, as well as for the maintenance and restoration of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and epithelium.

This acid exerts nutritional, trophic and anti-inflammatory effects on the intestinal epithelium. It is an important nutrient for the so-called "good" flora that is intimately related to our intestinal and overall health. Butyric acid is the SCFA with the most beneficial effect, it can be considered as the link between dietary fiber, intestinal flora and the support they provide for intestinal homeostasis.


alimentación antiinflamatoria

A positive correlation has been demonstrated in the ability of butyrate to inhibit HDAC (histone deacetylases), which induces apoptosis and/or cell cycle detection in colon cancer cells, acting as an anti-inflammatory agent by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Several studies have demonstrated the multiple anti-inflammatory properties of butyric acid, aiding in inflammatory conditions and also in the beneficial role in controlling immune responses. The intake of highly processed foods, low in fiber and rich in sugars decreases the levels of butyrate production in the large intestine.

Foods with greater capacity to produce butyrate acid:

  • Whole grains for their concentration in fiber sources
  • Legumes, in the same way that happens with whole grains, legumes have large amounts of fiber
  • Tubers such as sweet potato, kohlrabi and potatoes
  • Seeds are also a good source of butyric acid


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