What is Fascia and what are its functions in the organism?

La fascia es un entramado celular que se compone de tejido conectivo, fibras de colágeno, agua, proteoglicanos (proteína que retiene el agua) y elastina (proteína elástica resistente). Este órgano mide tan solo 0,5 a 3 milímetros con una extraordinaria capacidad de deslizamiento y desplazamiento. A nivel anatómico, forma hojas delgadas, fibrosas y elásticas, que envuelven, rodean y conectan todas las estructuras corporales. Se encuentra bien hidratada y presenta una gran capacidad de deslizamiento en condiciones no patológicas.

Its main function is the covering of all parts of the body: muscles, bones, tendons, optic nerves and brain, with a great importance for the body movement, because without this powerful system of fibers, the body would not be sustained, this is a compound responsible for creating the proper separation between the structures of the musculoskeletal, visceral and vascular system. The whole body is an immense fascial tangle that slides between each other.


The fascia is a key element of sensory perception, an integral component in wound healing from trauma, inflammation control, and pain relief. It is ubiquitous, biologically serving as the connective tissue that holds us together, found throughout the body just beneath the skin, surrounding muscles, muscle groups, bones, nerves, blood vessels, organs, and cells. It is the structure that encases and permeates all body structures from head to toe. Implicitly inseparable from all body structures, it contributes to the continuity and cohesion between tissues, enhancing function and support. The fascia network allows for greater fluidity of bodily structures, enabling stretching and compression of tissues in multiple directions without losing elasticity and strength. When this tissue experiences blockages due to elements like chronic stress or external injury, our health, energy, well-being, and mobility can be compromised, affecting all body structures and functions.

Fascia is the main structural component of our internal system, providing the counterbalance to the skeletal system through tensegrity (tensional integrity) where it also presents itself as a messaging system.
When it is impacted in a smaller section, it starts sending messages through all the interconnected structures, so the whole living system of the body will be affected.

Fascia is the crystalline matrix of connective tissues that stores and transports water throughout the body. It functions as a network that transports varying voltage and frequency through the bio-neurological system by means of its semiconductor properties.

Fascia is a system that is integrated to facilitate and maintain the complex internal circuits of communication between cellular tissues, such as cell-to-cell communication, as well as to connect all the layers of living matrix components that exist in the human body, its structures are passive and transmit the mechanical tension generated by muscular activities or external forces through the body. By reducing friction, the reduction of muscle force is mitigated at the same time.

Fascia y movimiento

Fascia y movimiento

Si la fascia muscular se descubre demasiado rígida, se tendrá menor flexibilidad corporal, quedando más susceptible al dolor. Cuando la flexibilidad se reduce, el movimiento del cuerpo se verá limitado, generando tensión y dolor, a la vez que aumenta el riesgo de lesión. Esta estructura es elástica, móvil y muy húmeda, ya que en su interior alberga agua, por eso es tan importante en las personas que tienen biopolímeros el consumo regular y abundante de agua, pues la falta de hidratación ocasionará pérdida de elasticidad y flexibilidad.

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