Melatonin and its importance

Esta hormona es un compuesto indólico que realiza su proceso de metabolización de forma rápida en la glándula pineal (endocrina), más del 90% se da principalmente en el hígado (paracrina), participando como un marcador de los ritmos circadianos. La secreción y la síntesis de esta hormone occurs in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, produced by tryptophan obtained from the blood through the process of hydroxylation and decarboxylation, producing in turn serotonin-influencing cells (the hormone of happiness). Melatonin is synthesized in several extrapineal organs such as the retina, herderian gland, bone marrow, skin, cells of the gastrointestinal tract (paracrine), serotonin-influencing cells, cerebellum and immune system. With age, its production decreases in correlation with the repetition of poor quality sleep. Several studies suggest Melatonin deficiency as a responsible party in sleep disorders.

Melatonina y el proceso químico

Su producción comienza a partir de las 8:00 de la noche y el pico máximo se da entre la medianoche y las 3:00 de la madrugada

Once synthesized, it is released into the blood and distributed to all body fluids such as saliva, urine, preovulatory follicles, semen, amniotic fluid and breast milk. Its production is not permanent in the course of life, and its onset occurs at 3 months of age. Its synthesis is drastically reduced after puberty, gradually decreasing after 40 - 45 years of age.

In healthy organisms, its production begins at 8:00 p.m. and the maximum peak occurs between midnight and 3:00 a.m., after which it begins to decrease, with little production during the day. One of the main factors for the secretion of Melatonin is light, its main effect depends on the time of day in which the exposure occurs, the intensity in duration and the wavelength. In conclusion, light inhibits its production and darkness has a fertile effect on this secretion. Exposure to artificial light, between midnight and 4:00 a.m., has a complete inhibition on the secretion during the time it is present. To achieve an adequate release of Melatonin it is necessary to be exposed to daylight and night light so that circadian rhythms can achieve adaptation.

A curious fact within this release process is the communication between organs and tissues, the high levels of melatonin in the blood warn the organism that it is, promoting the organization of homeostatic rhythms. One of the main characteristics of Melatonin is the ability to resynchronize circadian rhythms and wake-sleep cycles; having a regulating effect on sexual reproduction, where the development of puberty is related to a significant decline in plasma melatonin levels.

Resincronizar los ritmos circadianos y los ciclos de vigilia

Melatonin participates in episodes of disinflammation and regeneration of new cells

Thanks to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it would have a benefit for patients with biopolymers as a cell protector that preserves immunostimulant properties that neutralize and eliminate free radicals, participating in episodes of de-inflammation and regeneration of new cells that have previously been exposed to oxygen. Thanks to melatonin, positive processes are generated for the treatment of necrosis, having cell proliferation, there will be more preponderance of new tissues that allow a faster and more effective healing. Through bone resorption that produces an important enzyme called superoxide dismutase, where the antioxidant defense occurs, preventing the formation of reactive substances.

One of the treatments for primary insomnia is extended-release melatonin, a neurotransmitter that maintains plasma levels between 8 to 10 hours, while immediate-release melatonin allows adequate sleep induction, however, extended-release melatonin will be more effective in maintaining sleep. Among the treatments with melatonin for insomnia are exogenous melatonin, which should be taken at an adequate time and dose for proper absorption. Although there is currently not much evidence for the recommendation of its use, melatonin has proven to be a safe drug, having validity in the treatment of comorbid insomnia and contributing with additional advantages such as the control of the underlying diseases that cause it. Fragmented sleep translates into a cardiovascular risk factor that intervenes on the physiological decrease in blood pressure, which occurs during the night's rest.

Therefore, insomnia is one of the symptoms of brain dysfunction followed by neuronal loss and disintegration of brain circuits expressed in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer or Parkinson.

In patients with depression, it is called conciliation insomnia and in patients with anxiety, maintenance insomnia and early awakening. It has been proven that people with depressive symptoms present a decrease in the production of melatonin. Feeling tiredness and drowsiness during the following day can be a sign that indicates its deficit, having mainly effects on the quality of sleep.

- Difficulty sleeping

- Nocturnal awakenings with difficulty returning to sleep

- Out-of-sync rhythms (going to sleep late, getting up late)

- Tiredness upon awakening

La melatonina y el insomnio

Insomnia is one of the symptoms of brain dysfunction following neuronal loss and the disintegration of brain circuits

Test to measure melatonin

To know the pineal rhythmic function through the biological clock, a measurement of melatonin levels in saliva or urine in a period of 24 hours is performed to determine the hormone level, as well as to evaluate the time at which melatonin synthesis begins, which marks the tendency of the organism towards sleep. This test on the quality of sleep allows to evaluate its quality, hormonal imbalances, aging states or alteration of biological rhythms.

It is performed in people who manifest sleep disorders due to rhythm alterations, people with nocturnal work activity, people with long-term stress, depression, burnout syndrome and people with metabolic problems.



Treatment with melatonin can be of great benefit for patients with biopolymers, an alternative that allows synchronization of the biological clock, improving the quality and latency of sleep, with beneficial effects on cellular, neuroendocrine and neurophysiological processes. This hormone is involved in the neutralization of free radicals, activating antioxidant enzymes for the prevention of oxidative stress and cellular aging. Melatonin has a direct effect on pancreatic beta cells by modifying the insulin sensitivity of liver cells. It has an influence on decreasing the levels of inflammatory markers related to metabolic syndrome with the application of melatonin. Studies prove that melatonin treatment increases the survival of mature B cells, functional components of humoral immunity.

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