Know the importance of breathing at bedtime

El sueño es un excelente indicador del estado de salud de las personas, ya que existe una estrecha relación entre los patrones, calidad del sueño y el estado general de salud física y psicológica de las personas. El sueño es un factor que también interviene sobre el sistema inmunológico, ya que durante el sueño se segregan diferentes hormonas que intervienen en la regulación del sistema inmune del cuerpo; si existe una privación el sueño, esta respuesta se verá comprometida, generando una disminución en la capacidad de defensa del cuerpo ante agentes nocivos, aumentando así el riesgo de contraer infecciones.

Sleep is fundamentally divided into REM and NREM sleep, which are repeated in four or five cycles per night with intervals of 90-120 minutes.

  • REM (R) sleep (rapid eye movement): characterized by muscle atonia and rapid eye movements, it accounts for 20-25% of total adult sleep time and comprises phasic and tonic components.
  • Non-REM sleep (NREM): No rapid eye movements.
    • Superficial sleep or stage 1 sleep (N1): is considered a transition between wakefulness and sleep, and represents 2-5% of total sleep time.
    • Intermediate sleep or stage 2 (N2): Represents 45-55% of total sleep time in adults.
    • Deep sleep or stage 3 (N3): Represents 15-20% of the night.
El sueño es un factor que también interviene sobre el sistema inmunológico

Sleep is a factor that also influences the immune system.








Sleep patterns will depend on each organism, the environment and the habits of each person, therefore, we will find three types of sleep patterns:

  • Short pattern: People who require few hours of sleep at night (5 hours).
  • Intermediate pattern: This type of pattern is the one required by most people (between 7 and 8 hours).
  • Long pattern: People who need to sleep for a longer period of time (9 hours).

The ideal sleep pattern is 7-8 hours each night, in order to reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease and stroke, which can occur in people who sleep more than 8 hours. During the NREM sleep phase, there is a decrease in respiratory frequency, hypotonia in the respiratory muscles, and a 2% reduction in oxygen saturation in relation to the saturation when awake.

Since we cannot be aware of the way we breathe when we are asleep, it is essential that during the day we breathe properly and perform breathing exercises to strengthen muscle tone and prevent the reduction in saturation during periods of nighttime sleep is not much compared to people who breathe inadequately.


La higiene del sueño es fundamental para lograr un sueño reparador y de calidad

Sleep hygiene is essential to achieve restful and quality sleep.







Sleep hygiene is essential to achieve a restful and quality sleep, contributing not only in the healing process, but also in the improvement of lymphatic drainage; therefore, the following should be taken into account:

  • Establish a regular and consistent sleep and wake-up schedule.
  • Avoid caffeine consumption 6 hours before bedtime.
  • Discontinue consumption of nicotine and alcohol 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Do not consume heavy, sugary or spicy foods 4 hours before bedtime.
  • A light and easy-to-digest dinner is recommended.
  • Do not exercise 4 hours before bedtime.
  • Wear comfortable and cool clothing.
  • Eliminate noise and light in the bedroom.
  • Perform a bedtime routine, for example: take a warm bath, listen to relaxing music, meditate and take slow and relaxed diaphragmatic breaths.
  • Avoid using cell phones in bed and having screens in the bedroom.
  • Avoid long naps during the day.

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